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Monday, July 28, 2008

The JFreeChart Class Library Shop for more Literature

Book Description:

The JFreeChart Developer Guide is a 805 page document that will help you to get the most from JFreeChart. The guide is written by David Gilbert (the creator of JFreeChart) and sold via his company Object Refinery Limited. Sales from the guide provide the main source of funding for the continuing development of JFreeChart.


Mozilla Firefox

Editor's Review - Mozilla Firefox
The latest release for Internet browsing, brought to you by Mozilla, looks good, acts nicely, and is a user-friendly application. Considering the tabbed interface, which can be reordered via drag-and-drop, the fast browser navigation with improvement to back and forward button performance, the built-in popup blocking tool, the spell checker for web-based text input forms and all the improvements in product stability, we may say that Mozilla Firefox is a competitive product on the market. Lately, more and more people choose Firefox over similar web browsers due to its ease of use, improved protection, and the fact that it's easy to write and use plugins. There are 6 search engines included by default in the search toolbar, but you can add many other search engines by using the "Manage Search Engines" window. It's possible to customize Mozilla Firefox with lots of themes, extensions such as FoxGame, TiVo Community Forums Menu, R-kiosk, repagination, eMessenger Sidebar, autositemap, and so on. Firefox 3 also comes with a powerful set of tools for developers including powerful JavaScript and CSS error/warning/rendering console and a quality feedback agent for reporting Firefox crash information. When first starting the application you can import options, bookmarks, history, passwords, and other similar data from other Internet browsers that are already installed on your computer. Application, extension, and search engine updates are now pushed to the background. The application only asks you whether you want to install these updates. The built-in download manager is an excellent solution for downloading your favorite applications or multimedia files. Pluses: Lots of great features make Mozilla fully customizable, easy to use, and proficient for browsing and visualizing online multimedia content. Newly implemented anti-phishing, browser session saving/restoration, support for client-side session and persistent storage, ability to re-open accidentally closed tabs are only some of the features implemented into the 3 version. Mozilla Firefox is also available for Mac OS and Linux. Some of the other new features worth mentioning are the inline spell checker, access to Live Titles (dynamic bookmarks), and the browser's ability to preview and subscribe to Web feeds. Drawbacks / flaws: High memory usage is reportedly one of the drawbacks of Mozilla Firefox. In conclusion: Newly implemented features and lots of plugins allow you to customize Mozilla Firefox. Overall Firefox is a very good Web browser. 3.0
Mozilla Firefox Publisher's Description
Stop annoying popup ads in their tracks with Firefox's built in popup blocker. View more than one web page in a single window with this time saving feature. Open links in the background so that they're ready for viewing when you're ready to read them.Built with your security in mind, Firefox keeps your computer safe from malicious spyware by not loading harmful ActiveX controls. A comprehensive set of privacy tools keep your online activity your business.Google Search is built right into the toolbar, and there is a plethora of other search tools including Smart Keywords (type "dict " in the Location bar), and the new Find bar (which finds text as you type without covering up anything). Firefox comes with a standard set of developer tools including a powerful JavaScript and CSS error/warning console, and an optional Document Inspector that gives detailed insight about your pages.

Linux Bible 2008 Edition

Book Description:
Great Content from a Bestselling Author: The Linux Bible 2008 Edition is the best first LinuxLinux distributiondesktopLinux desktops * New features: Instead of just telling you about how the technology works, new “Bringing Linux In” sections describe how people have implemented Linux in the real world. New sections describe real-life examples, such as how: * A Small office created an inexpensive Web, print, and file server * A do-it-yourselfer combined Linux audio and video features to create a home multimedia center * A school build a computersoftware * A large corporation deployed thousands of Linux systems * Unique CD and DVD: No other book on the market includes so many Linux distributions on CD and DVD. Our DVD and CD will include the latest versions of at least the following Linux distributions: Fedora, Ubuntu, Debian, SUSE, KNOPPIX, Gentoo, servers, and firewall/routers. and server components, and the actual distributions on CD and DVD, let readers get started using Linux immediately. The Bible will serve a broad range of readers, from those starting with Linux to anyone looking to evaluate different Linux distributions. It also covers broad usage including they choose. Descriptions of different Linux distributions helps users choose the Linux distribution that’s right for them. Detailed installation instructions, step-by-step descriptions of key book for new or migrating users. By focusing on the building-block nature of Linux, and offering true up-to-date descriptions of Linux technology, the Bible helps the reader learn how to jump headlong into Linux, regardless of the , Slackware, Mandriva, Damn Small Linux, SLAX, BackTrack, GeeXbox, and others. lab with free educational Download Description: * Detailed installation instructions and step-by-step descriptions of key desktop and server components help new users get up and running immediately * Descriptions of the various distributions from people in the Linux community help users zero in on the best Linux for their needs * The perfect migration guide for Windows and Macintosh desktop users who want to switch to Linux, as well as for systems administrators who want to set up secure, fully functioning server systems * Covers Linux embedded systems, firewalls, and routers plus desktops and servers * Includes Fedora Core 3, Debian Linux, SUSE Linux, Knoppix, Gentoo Linux, Slackware Linux, Mandrake Linux, Damn Small Linux, and a Linux firewall and router on DVD


Video to Flash Console 1.1

Video to Flash Console is a command linel tool for converting your digital videos to SWF or FLV in a batch script or command line konsole mode. You can use console Video to Flash Converter on a webser...
Download link 1: Download now

Students' Motivation for the General Subjects in the Technical VET-programmes


The thematic field is 'Curriculum, pedagogy and learning ressources' and the topic is students' motivation for and perception of general subjects in the initial VET-programmes. In an empirical study of general subjects in VET that included interviews with the students in a variety of technical VET programmes I found that the students were more motivated for mathematics, chemistry and physics than for Danish and English (Aarkrog, 2007). In earlier studies I have focused on how transfer of theoretical knowledge differs according to the practical situations (Aarkrog, 2004; 2006)

The objective of the paper is to explain the students' different perceptions of the two groups of subjects, the purpose being to qualify the teaching methods in the humanities. The general subjects are an important part of VET curricula. However, the students are generally more motivated for the practical than theoretical parts of the programmes. Accordingly motivation by stregthening the connection between general theory and practice is a central challenge for the teachers in VET.

As state of the art Research projects include the devlopment of VET curricula from qualification analyses (Rauner, 2004), the general subjects in VET (Wassenden, 2001; Mjelde, 2006; Berg, 2001; Nilsson, 1981) and the connection between general and vocational knowledge (Gamble, 2004). However, there no research has focused on illustrating and explaning the students' differentiated view of the general subjects.

The research question is: How can we explain that the students in the techical VET-programmes are more motivated for the mathematic natural science subjects than for the humanities?

Since the reform of the Danish VET-programmes in 1991 teaching general subjects has included relating the subjects to the students' current or future vocational practice. In other words one would talk about 'carpenter Danish' or 'kitchen chemistry'. Accordingly the explanations provided in the paper will centre around practice relation, meaning a focus on the practice to which the subjects relate and the way of relating the theoretical knowledge to practice.

Jack Mezirow's distinction between instrumental and communicative learning is used for the analysis of practice and the ways of relating to practice (Mezirow, 1994; 1998). Earlier research projects have shown that the students' motivation for the general subjects increase parallel with their professional development. The Dreyfus brothers' stages of skill acquisition from novice to expert (Dreyfus & Dreyfus, 1986) and William Perry's map of cognitive development (Perry, 1970) are applied for an analysis of the students' changing views of the general subjects throughout the programme.
Methodology or methods/research instruments or sources used:

The study is based on interviews combined with surveys among students in the technical VET programmes, includeing both basic and main courses.
Conclusions or expected outcomes or findings:

The expected conclusions are:

Students in the technical VET programmes are more interested in learning mathematics, chemistry and physics than Danish and English not only because the former subjects are closer connected to what the students perceive as the core of the vocational practice, but also because the subjects mostly include instrumental knowledge whereas the humanieties also include communicative knowledge. Communicative knowledge is more complicated than instrumental knowledge.
As the students develop their competences they will gradually become more interested in the humanities and they will generally develop an interest in applying theoretical knowledge not only for performing in practice but also for explaining actions and performance in practice
References (including own publications):

-Berg, T. (2001). Yrkesretting av allmennfag: Pliktløp eller kjærlighet? In W. Wasenden (Ed.), Yrkesretting som pedagogisk prosess (Vol. 4, pp. 32-45). Akershus: Høgskolen i Akershus.

-Dreyfus, H. L., & Dreyfus, S. E. (1986). Mind over machine. The power of human intuition and expertise in the era of the computer. Glasgow: Basil Blackwell.

-Gamble, J. (2004). General knowledge and vocational knowledge: And never the twain shall meet? Working Knowledge in a Globalizing World. Oslo.

-Mezirow, J. (1994). Understanding transformation theory. Adult Education Quarterly, 44(4).

-Mezirow, J. (1998). On critical reflection. Adult Education Quarterly, 48(3), 185-198.

-Mjelde, L. (2006). The magical properties of workshop learning. (Vol. vol 2). Bern: Peter Lang.

-Perry, W. G. (1970). Forms of intellectual and ethical development in the college years. Austin, Tex: Holt, Rinehart & Winston.
Wasenden, W. (2001). Noen synspunkter på forholdet mellom allmennfag og yrkesfag i yrkesutdanningen i tiden før reform 94. In W. Wasenden (Ed.), Yrkesretting som pedagogisk prosess (Vol. 4, pp. 5-21). Akershus: Høgskolen i Akershus.

-Aarkrog, V. (2004). Transfer in interactive processes. In K. Illeris (Ed.), Learning in working life (pp. 163-176). Frederiksberg: Roskilde University Press.

-Aarkrog, V. (2006). Apprentices' transfer of knowledge from school to workplace in the vet dual system: A study of a vet-programme for rescue officers. In R. Daly & L. Mjelde (Eds.), Working knowledge in a globalizing world. From work to learning, from learning to work. (pp. 25-37). Bern: Peter Lang.

-Aarkrog, V. (2007). Det hjælper ikke at være i værkstedet, når man skal lære areal og rumfang. En teoretisk og empirisk analyse af praksisrelateret undervisning i erhvervsuddannelserne. København: Danmarks Pædagogiske Universitet.


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